15th or 16th Century

Can you identify in which century these events occurred? For 15th (1401-1500) enter 5 and for 16th (1501-1600) enter 6.

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Event1(5)th or 1(6)th
Johannes Gutenberg invented printing press
Martin Luther posted his 95 theses
British East India Company granted Royal Charter
Sandro Botticelli painted 'The Birth of Venus'
Aztecs became dominant power in Mesoamerica
Hernán Cortés started conquering Mexico
Spanish Inquisition established
Elizabeth I became Queen of England and Ireland
Leonardo da Vinci started painting ‘Mona Lisa’
Nostradamus born in France
Pachacuti founded the Inca Empire
Vasco da Gama discovered sea route to India
Suleiman the Magnificent became Great Sultan
Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire
Portuguese first capture slaves in Africa
Event1(5)th or 1(6)th
English ‘Wars of the Roses’ began
Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe
Joan of Arc burned at the stake for heresy
Henry VIII ascended English Throne
Sir Francis Bacon born in London
Christopher Columbus reached the New World
Michelangelo painted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Gregorian Calendar introduced
Leonardo da Vinci started painting ‘Last Supper’
Hundred Years' War ended
Turks conquered Constantinople
Copernicus' heliocentric model of the universe
Michelangelo created 'Pietà' statue
Chinese Forbidden City completed
Jesuit order founded by Ignatius of Loyola

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