Matt and Derek's Quiz Lab

Matt and Derek's Quiz Lab

Celebrating the love of trivia

  1. The guys are putting on their stockings, caps, and wool socks to go head to head with your best winter sports quizzes! Who will win the Gold? Let's find out! ...

  2. Words. Games. Your Quizzes. MDQL. Want More Sporcle? Check out our podcasts: https://www....

  3. Strum, bang, bow, pick, blow, or slap your favorite music-making machine while you watch Matt and Derek take on your best musical instrument quizzes! https://...

  4. No way? Is that who I think it is? It is! It's the most famous team of quizzers on YouTube (maybe)! Matt and Derek are playing your best quizzes about famous ...

  5. No way? Is that who I think it is? It is! It's the most famous team of quizzers on YouTube (maybe)! Matt and Derek are playing your best quizzes about famous ...

  6. It's been another long year, and it has left a lot to be desired, but if there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that there have been some amazing quizzes ...

  7. This is the moment we've been waiting for... and the moment Matt and Derek have been dreading. They SAY they've been studying, but we're about to find out when ...

  8. You have been BUILDING up quite a collection of your best LEGO quizzes, and Matt and Derek will be careful not to step on any bricks as they assemble the show ...

  9. Dost though even read? These bookworms do! Well, at least they said they did. Who will take the mantle of most well read? Matt and Derek are going Head-to-Head ...

  10. Help us donate here: We love water. We can't help it! And we hate plastic in our water, so Matt and Derek are helping #TeamSeas to help ...

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