'A'merican History

Can you answer the American history questions whose answers all begin with 'A'?

Classic Type in answers that appear in a list
Who was George Washington's vice president and 2nd president of the United States?
What mission in San Antonio, Texas, was the site of a siege by Mexican forces in 1836?
Which heavyweight boxing champion was also known for his opposition to the Vietnam War?
What was the movement to end slavery prior to and during the Civil War?
What document, approved by the states in 1781, served as the United States' first constitution?
What was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history?
What term is commonly used by historians to refer to the years preceding the Civil War?
Which civil rights leader and feminist played a vital role in the women's suffrage movement of the 19th century?
What organization, formed in 1920, guards the constitutional rights of Americans against government infringement?
What acts, passed in 1798, suppressed freedom of speech and the liberty of foreign residents?
Which general defected to the British in 1780 during the Revolutionary War?
In which Virginia town did Robert E. Lee surrender to Ulysses Grant on April 9, 1865?
What statement of common principles and war aims did FDR and Winston Churchill develop in August 1941?
What national organization of labor unions was founded in 1886?
What movement opposed ratification of the Constitution?
Who was Richard Nixon's vice president who resigned in 1973?
Which entrepreneur helped to settle families in Mexican Texas in the 1820s?
What were the United States armed forces that were sent to Europe during World War I?
What mass-production process is closely identified with Henry Ford's automobile industry?
Which third party, founded in 1828, was formed around the opposition to Freemasonry?

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