Japanese in English

Can you name the English words derived from Japanese?

Classic Type in answers that appear in a list
DefinitionWordFurther etymology
Japanese bullet train
Musical entertainment involving singing along to popular songs
Large ocean wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption
Wealthy business magnate
Dish of vinegared rice topped with raw fish or other seafood
Fictional giant monster that first appeared in an eponymous 1954 film
Throwing star or blade used especially in ninjutsu
Traditional female Japanese entertainer trained in classical music, dance, etc.
Japanese pilot trained for suicide attacks during World War II
Logic puzzle that involves filling a 9x9 grid with the numbers 1-9 under certain rules
Japanese art of paper folding
A leader or chief, as in the military
Stylized Japanese comic books and graphic novels
Mutant seedless mandarin orange native to Japan
White foodstuff produced by coagulating soybean milk
Japanese system of unarmed self-defense which focuses on striking sensitive areas with the fists and feet
Proprietary video cassette format released by Sony in the 1970s, later superseded by VHS
Exceptionally fast-growing climbing vine, now considered a pest weed in the West
A two-wheeled cart powered by a bicycle or runner
School of Mahāyāna Buddhism particularly prevalent in Japan
Member of a feudal Japanese warrior caste
Traditional long-sleeved Japanese robe, often ornately decorated

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