On June 1, 2001, a gruesome royal massacre occurred when the Crown Prince Dipendra gunned down his immediate family at the Narayanhiti Royal Palace.
From 2001 until August 2021, the city was occupied by a coalition of forces including NATO when it was seized by Taliban fighters.
In 1938, Governor Sir Philip Mitchel switched on the nation's first electric street lights by the East African Power & Lighting Company.
Riots erupted on 6 January 1948, after which most of its Hindu population left for India with assistance of the Indian government.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it became the center of Tatar culture and identity, and separatist tendencies intensified.
The city became home to the Mona campus of the University of the West Indies founded in 1948 with 24 medical students.
The city was established as a trading post by Henry Morton Stanley in 1881 and it was named Léopoldville in honour of King Leopold II of the Belgians.
On 16 October 2017, the Iraqi national army and PMF militia retook the city as the Kurdish Peshmerga forces fled the city without fighting.
Following continuous pressure from citizens, on March 18, 1975, the city council passed an ordinance banning US vessels carrying nuclear weapons from the port.
Between 1977–2011, it was governed by the Left Front, which was dominated by the Communist Party. It was the world's longest-serving democratically elected communist government
Established in 1273, the Sufi Mevlevi Order and its Whirling Dervishes are among the renowned symbols of the city.
In 1978, Karol Wojtyła, archbishop of this city, was elevated to the papacy as Pope John Paul II—the first non-Italian pope in 455 years.
During World War II, it was captured by the Imperial Japanese Army on 11 January 1942.
The city holds an important place in the history of the Ashanti people, as legend claims that it was here Okomfo Anokye received the golden stool, an embodiment of the soul of the Ashanti nation.
From November 2013 until February 2014, it became the primary location of Euromaidan.
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