Trivia 'Solutions!' II

Can you figure out the numerical answers by using either the given trivia facts or the mathematical equations? (See More Info)

Classic Type in answers that appear in a list
Forced Order Answers have to be entered in order
Trivia HintAnswerMath Hint
(A) Number of the Apollo mission that first made it to the moonA = L - C
(B) Number of symphonies written by BeethovenB = N / V
(C) Number of Days of Christmas (according to the carol)C = Z - W
(D) Total number of pips on a six-sided dieD = QY
(E) Number of times the letter E appears in the text of Gadsby (by Ernest Vincent Wright)E = D - C - B
(F) Supposed temperature that paper burns, according to Ray Bradbury (in ° F)F = A(S + Q)
(G) Year that the first Google search was performedG = T + 2(O + F)
(H) Number of minutes in an NCAA men's basketball halfH = T / (W + U)
(I) Number of protons in an iodine atomI = D + M
(J) Number of colors used to describe Joseph's coat, in a Webber musicalJ = S - V
(K) Number of letters in the Khmer alphabetK = G / (BY)
(L) Number worn by LeBron James on the CavaliersL = (K - V) / 3
(M) Number of levels in Super Mario Bros. (not counting glitch/hidden levels)M = L + B
Trivia HintAnswerMath Hint
(N) Highest number that can appear in the N column of a Bingo card (US)N = X / O
(O) Number of limbs on an octopusO = P / A
(P) Number of floors in the Petronas towersP = U(N - 1)
(Q) Hardness of quartz on the Mohs' scaleQ = W - N
(R) In computers, red is represented as (___, 0, 0).R = U^O - 1
(S) Number of letters in the longest song title from Mary PoppinsS = 2(H - Y)
(T) Time given to complete this quiz, in secondsT = XY
(U) Number in Bono's band U_U = 2(I - W)
(V) Number represented by V in Roman numeralsV = R / (W - 1)
(W) Number of white keys on a pianoW = H + E + M
(X) Highest number in the XBox family of game consolesX = V(K - U)
(Y) Number of colors on Yemen's flagY = (S - 1) / A
(Z) Scrabble value for ZQFMGB on a double word score box (if it were legal)Z = J + M + Y

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