Disney Goes to the Dark Side

Can you name the Disney movies based upon their descriptions if they were horror films?

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DescriptionDisney Movie
Crazed mother attacks taunting boys, is locked up to protect son who has mad hallucinations.
Enlivened by mystical forces and marred by a fib-induced facial deformity, a boy is enslaved and then transformed by the occult into animal form.
Twisted by the death of his mother, hero goes on a murderous rampage killing deer and dogs alike.
Summoned spirits turn girl to amphibian, kill heroic bug, drag man to hell.
Princess forgoes culture, stalks murderous prince, abandons family.
Agent of hell seduces strong-man, luring him to his death in the underworld.
Eerie cat gives bad advice to girl who, lost in forest, is attacked by evil queen. In the end, it's all a dream- or is it?
Ferocious cats seek aid from poisoned mouse and drunk gander, trap man and ship him to certain death.
Dog betrays old friend, tirelessly hunts him, doesn't care if he really did it.
Flying boy kidnaps children, feeds ship captain to hungry crocodile.
Man attacks beasts only to find they are led by ape-man who steals girl and hangs man on jungle vine.
DescriptionDisney Movie
Mean prince enslaves bookish girl, orders servants not to feed her, fights her rescuer who falls to his death.
Aided by mischievous genie, fake prince ousts Grand Vizier, seduces princess.
Hideous creature talks to statues, frightens crowd, stalks woman, hurls jurist to his death.
Vulpine scoundrel leads jail break, masterminds coup of would-be Lion King.
Alien scientist creates indestructable creature, exiles creature to an unwitting and unprepared Earth.
Woodland gang worships corpse, kills queen, hides in forest.
Wild boy is raised by wolves, goes on rampage destroying ancient ruins and burning animals with fire.
Not content with patricide, prince hurls uncle off of cliff, bellows in triumph.
Magic summons a flood, party-goers are attacked by lightning and evil spirits rise from the grave!
Cross-dressing soldier summons ancient guardian, kills hundreds in massive avalanche.
Crazed girl runs away from home, beats man with frying pan, becomes horse whisperer.

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