Word Ladder: Luke Skywalker Quotes

Can you name the four-letter words in this Luke Skywalker-themed word ladder?

Classic Type in answers that appear in a list
Clue4-Letter Word
✩ I'm ____ Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you. ✩
✩ I am a Jedi, ____ my father before me. ✩
A small child
✩ It's ____ for the Jedi to end. ✩
A large, heavy book
✩ I'm endangering the mission. I shouldn't have ____. ✩
✩ I ____ to this island to die. ✩
A walking stick
✩ Master Yoda, you ____ die. ✩
✩ Why would Imperial troops ____ to slaughter Jawas? ✩
To stay in place in expectation
A mournful cry of sorrow
✩ I won't ____ you. I'm not afraid. ✩
Also known as Autumn
To cut, knock or bring down
✩ I did ____ something. I could almost see the remote. ✩
The base or underside of a ship
✩ I have a promise to ____....to an old friend. ✩
Clue4-Letter Word
Extending far down from the top or surface
The ownership document for a house
✩ Soon, I'll be ____, and you with me. ✩
✩ Echo 3 to Echo 5. Han, old buddy, do you ____ me? ✩
A lane or avenue for vehicles
A frog's close relative
✩ Hey, Biggs, I ____ you I'd make it someday. ✩
Element AU
✩ But how am I to know the ____ side from the bad? ✩
An area of land covered in growing trees
✩ Amazing. Every ____ you just said was wrong. ✩
✩ Look, I can't get involved. I've got ____ to do. ✩
The stopper in wine bottles
A person who prepares food for eating
✩ Uncle Owen! This R2 unit has a bad motivator, ____! ✩
An aquatic bird
Tarzan wears a ____ cloth
To Darth Vader: I'll never ____ you! ✩

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