Followed a fruitarian diet, like the person they were portraying, and ended up in the hospital with pancreatitis . . . twice
Lost 65 pounds by eating only an apple and a can of tuna a day
Refused to leave their wheelchair and ended up damaging two ribs. They also insisted on being spoon-feed while playing someone with cerebral palsy.
Ran a half-mile for any scene where their character was out of breath
Gave themselves nicotine poisoning smoking the favorite cigars of the Prime Minister they were portraying
Didn’t shower for 10 days to get into character as a crack addict
Glued their eyes shut for 14 hours a day
Stalked a woman on the London underground to help prepare for the role of a serial killer
Slept in the bed of the Tejano singer they were portraying
Ignored their own family and interests and only lived as The Man In Black
Spoke in an Italian accent for nine months
Slept in a dead animal’s carcass
To play a character that most likely had no one to talk to about the hidden country they were trying to find, they isolated themselves for so long that they needed therapy after filming wrapped
Tied a belt around their knees to perfect walking like The Blonde Bombshell
Had teeth removed without anesthesia to prepare for the role of a Vietnam war veteran with horrible facial injuries
Made themself vomit, and actually got drunk for the drunk scenes
Butchered a pig carcass to learn what murder felt like
Delivered UPS packages to practice being unrecognizable for the club shootout scene
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