Compliance Assessment Library

Minimize business & safety risks with expert-designed tests

Get help with AI & question banks

Our assessment library offers pre-employment skill tests that can also be used to gauge knowledge retention of existing employees.
Identify the right talent and test employees for internal promotions.

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How to Create an Online Compliance Assessment

Watch: What Is The Difference Between Quiz, Survey, Scored Survey & Polls?

World’s #1 Assessment Software

100k+ Assessments, 50 Million+ Learners

How Organizations Use Assessments to Maintain Compliance

  • Reinforce Compliance Knowledge

    Add quizzes and assessments to your onboarding training to ensure that employees comprehend every piece of information related to policies, procedures, laws, regulations, and repeatable processes.

  • Conduct Training Needs Analysis

    Keep track of compliance training needs by conducting regulatory compliance risk assessments to identify knowledge gaps, analyze learning challenges, and optimize your training methodology.

  • Ensure Retention With Refresher Quizzes

    Leverage engaging assessments for compliance training to create lasting knowledge retention, promote a strong compliance culture and ensure employees remain updated on the latest industry guidelines.

  • Certify Employees on Compliance Awareness

    Manage an effective certification program to demonstrate commitment to compliance. Easily certify employees on regulations mandated by OSHA, HIPAA, GDPR, ISO, FDA, sexual harassment, etc.

Quiz & Assessment Solutions for Your Industry

Associations & Non Profit
Associations & Non Profit
Manufacturing Industry
Technology Industry
construction Industry
Retail Industry

Everything You Need for Compliance Assessments

1 Million+ Ready Questions

Quickly and easily build compliance assessments for employees from scratch using our massive question bank.

15+ Question Types

Ask questions in various, engaging ways to effectively assess, reinforce and refresh knowledge.

Professionally Designed Assessments

Jump-start your compliance assessment process with ready-to-use assessments on OSHA, HIPAA, fire safety, fall prevention, forklift safety, and much more.

Delightful Reports

Access in-depth reports and analytics to accurately track progress and identify key learning challenges.

Automate & Manage Certification

Automatically award custom certificates and set passing score, expiry date, and reminders.

Multiple Classrooms & Instructors

Streamline test assignment and learner management using virtual classrooms with learner groups and role-based permissions.

English, Spanish & 70+ Languages

Conduct assessments in any popular language to easily assess learners from different linguistic regions.

Anytime, Anywhere

Test on any device to offer convenience to learners and avoid unnecessary disruptions.

100+ Smart Settings

Create quizzes perfectly suited to your requirements using over a hundred configurations for security, customization, brand controls, and notifications.

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