Criteria Characters, plus Horcrux and Dementor theories! | Pottermasters

Mar 11, 2019

Holly and Maria use their Potter knowledge to take on another minefield showing off their character knowledge. Plus, a deep discussion on Horcruxes, Dementors and the true meaning of a soul.

This week's Harry Potter quiz:

Pottermasters Playlist

Matt and Derek’s Quiz Lab Playlist

For all your harry potter quiz needs:

Send us your fan art or memorabilia and we'll give you a shoutout on our channel!

3518 Fremont Ave N #464
Seattle, WA 98103

The Pottermasters

  1. Holly and Maria give it another go at the Top 200 most ...

  2. In the words of the Sorting Hat, "Ah! Another Harry Potter ...

  3. Holly and Maria have 4 times the fun in this Harry Potter ...

  4. This week's quiz starts off easy but gets progressively more ...

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