Jobs at Sporcle

We Love Trivia.

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Sporcle is a community of creative people who love to learn. Each day, we reach thousands of people through our website, mobile apps, and live trivia shows.

Open Call for Sporcle Events Trivia Hosts

Sporcle is always hiring trivia hosts for pub trivia and private events! Whether your talent is in working a room packed with trivia teams, or you have the ability to get a bunch of digital faces smiling, we welcome your application.
Our hosts are enthusiastic, spunky, and have a passion for bringing people together. They enjoy getting paid to always be the smartest person in the room (after all, we give you the questions and answers) and sharing their favorite music as trivia players attempt to figure out the answers.
If you have a laptop and think you can reliably run a trivia event with a lot of support but little supervision, click the link below to apply today!
Apply now to become a host!

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